Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Milford Sound / Fiordland National Park (South Island)

15th Dec 10:
Fiordland is NZ's rawest wilderness area. Part of the Wahipounamu Southwest New Zealand World Heritage Area.
On the road to Milford Sound.  

The spectacular 1692m-high Mitre Peak.

On the Milford Sound cruise.  

During the wet season hundreds of waterfalls can be seen in this area.  

Seals sunbathing.  

Under the waterfall. 

Dedicated to Nicola..


  1. Todo està magnifico non so come descriverlo me siento comme envahit d'émotions for the landscape mozzafiato todo bueno y affascinante. Vi auguro bonne continuation, hasta luego babes.

  2. Fantasticoooooooooooooooo!!!! Siete magnifici!! W Kakà!!
